How do to convert torrent file to direct links ?How do to convert torrent file to online video playing ? 

How do to convert torrent file to direct links ?

How do to convert torrent file to online video playing ? 

Step 1: Download magnetic link from any torrent providing site 

Step 2: open this site click here to go Fastest torrent file to direct links converter, then Login in with facebook or g+ account or sign up with new account , i recommended to login in with fb account 

Step 3 : Next,  click + icon and then click upload icon then open filemanager to open your download location to open your magnetic torrent file,  just refresh u r page direct download file are added 

Step 4: Don't do this you can download that folder 📁 its added zip file so you can risk to unzip that zip,  so click to open that folder , you wanted direct download file is with in that folder,  now you can download that that file or play online 


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